Not every day can be devoted to housework and cleaning chores, so it’s worth finding a routine that saves you time and helps you stay ahead of grime.
To be time-efficient, determine whether your best approach is sticking to one task throughout the home (e.g. change bedding) or using the “rotation” technique of cleaning one room at a time, from top-to-bottom. Develop a plan but be sure to recognize that different tasks require different time investments. Identify the most opportune time to deal with each task. Start with mini-jobs, such as removing countertop clutter before committing to larger tasks like disinfecting cooking and prep surfaces or washing floors.
Here are a few time-saving tricks you may not know:
- Ceiling Fans: Cover one blade at a time with an old pillowcase or shirtsleeve, then wipe back carefully to capture dust.
- Venetian Blinds: Wrap kitchen tong tips with a micro-fibre cloth and swipe each slat, top and bottom at once.
- Stovetops and Rangehoods: Surprisingly, cooking oil may be the best way to wipe down caked on greasy surfaces.
- Toilet Bowls: Dissolving denture tablets can do wonders when trying to clean porcelain, and they won’t cause any damage.
Do you have any quick cleaning hacks? We’d love to hear about them! Share in the comments below.
Source: Morris Marketing, November ‘22
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